Other Filings

Certified Copies EIN Employer Identification Number  Registered Agent Corporate and LLC Kits

Annual or Biennial Reports


Annual or biennial reports are required by law and must be filed with the Department of State in the state of formation, where the company transacts business.

Certified Copies EIN Employer Identification Number  Registered Agent Corporate and LLC Kits

Amendment and Changes


Changes executed on incorporation documents to update your business information, such as entity name, officers, registered agent, etc.



Filing document processed with the Secretary of State to officially close your business, either voluntary or mandated by court.

Assumed Name / DBA

Assumed Name /  DBA

Required by many atates if you want to do Business under a different name from your legal business name


EIN Employer Identification Number


The Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

is also known as the Fed ID, Tax ID,

Federal ID Number 

BOI Beneficial Ownership Information

BOI Report

Beneficial ownership information is identifying information about the individuals who directly or indirectly own a company.

Corporate and LLC Kits. Corporate Book. Digital KIT, Digital SEAL, Embossing Seal

Corporate and LLC Kits

A binder containing stock certificates, embossing seal, minutes, bylaws and more....